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Mumbai Family Appeal

We wish to highlight to you the plight of our Shia's in Mumbai who are forced to live in awful living conditions in the Slums in India.

We who reside in the West take lots of things for granted and it is only when you witness first hand the hardship they encounter on a daily basis which then make you grateful for what Allah(SWT) has blessed us with.

We have teamed up with a charity organisation and over the past few weeks we have been working closely with Baqir Trust our counterpart in Mumbai. They have identified many families who are in a dire situation and urgently require assistance.  

We have managed to calculate their need and feel that £20 a month will provide the basic food supplies for a family of up to five and hence we appeal to you to support us by sponsoring a family for £20 a month.

Looking at the plight of these Shia’s especially living in Mumbai, which is one of the most expensive cities in India with extremely high costs of living on basic necessities. Their living standard in Govandi is fairly simple as they are unable to afford any luxuries. Their income is very basic and most of the their earnings is spent on educating their children and medical needs for their family, which itself is very costly.

After speaking with these families and much contemplation, we are of the opinion that the best way to move forward is to support them in basic food supply so that they do not sleep hungry and that they are able to use their earnings towards educating their children as this will one day take them out from the cycle of poverty.

Have a look at the below videos to witness their living conditions.

We urge you to support us in helping these families with £20 a month as this will provide a family of up to 5 with the monthly basic food supplies.

May Allah (SWT) bless you for your generosity. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Help Us to Help Them

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